Refurbishment of the headquarters of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Trofa

Refurbishment of the headquarters of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Trofa
Efficient Home Support Program

MCTU Construtora, Lda. is a partner of the Efficient House Program.What is the Efficient Home Program? “The Efficient House Program is a line of financing, through a repayable loan with very favorable conditions, over the next two years. This Government initiative will soon be launched for projects that include the realization of a set of […]
Expansion and Remodeling of the Trofa Volunteer Fire Station

Expansion and Remodeling of the Trofa Volunteer Fire Station Foi com enorme satisfação que a administração da MCTU Construtora e a direcção da Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros Voluntários da Trofa procederam no passado dia 27 de Outubro de 2017 a assinatura do contrato para a Ampliação e Remodelação do Quartel dos Bombeiros Voluntários da Trofa. […]
Completion of Works at Trofa Saúde Hospital São João da Madeira

After 4 months of work, MCTU Construtora finished on April 28, 2017 the intervention in Shopping 8ª Avenida where we implemented the new Hospital of the Trofa Saúde Group, Trofa Saúde Hospital São João da Madeira, we started with two empty floors and ended with an innovative and modern Hospital concept that marks a new […]
Change of Facilities

It is with great pride and satisfaction that we inform you that as of March 8, 2017 we have moved our headquarters to Rua Aldeias de Cima, 247 4785-563 Bougado – Trofa, the new space will allow MCTU Construtora, Lda. continue to grow and expand in a sustainable way without the limitations to which it […]
Loja Vintage Department – Porto

MCTU was responsible for the rehabilitation of the new Vintage Department store on Rua de Ferreira Borges in Porto, the works included a variety of modern and diversified solutions, in contrast to old and traditional materials from the historic area of Porto. Visit the Portfolio to learn more.
Remodeling Private Hospital of Alfena Floor 1

MCTU, Ltd. concluded last November the refurbishment of the External Consultations and Clinical Analysis on the 1st Floor of the Private Hospital of Alfena, the works included the total refurbishment of offices, waiting rooms, changing rooms and bathrooms in the aforementioned areas.
Building Remodeling on Rua Ferreira Borges

MCTU Construtora, Lda. started the rehabilitation and remodeling work of the building located at Rua Ferreira Borges, nº 82, the planned works involve the recovery and preservation of several characteristic elements of the building, the modernization and updating of its structural elements.
Introducing Our New Website

IntroducingMCTU Construtora, Lda. is presenting the new website, with clear and precise information about our company and the services we provide to our customers. We also have a portfolio area, where you can follow the works we develop. We await your contact to give shape to your ideas. Our New Website